About System Administration
A System Administrator is a user designated by a business to control the access and capabilities of other users. System Administrators with full authority can add and delete users, grant system administration status to other users, issue new passwords, establish user entitlements to accounts and menu options, and customize CitiBusiness Online settings.

Businesses can have multiple system administrators or none. Businesses without at least one System Administrator, must contact Customer Service to perform system administration functions for them.

About Maker-Checker
Businesses enrolled in cash manager suite of services, may opt to enroll in the Maker-Checker option. This option will provide the business with dual control over their system administration functions. Every administrative task initiated by a system administrator must be approved by a second system administrator.

Businesses enrolled in the Maker-Checker option must have at least two users designated as System Administrators.

System Administrator Levels
With standard enrollment, all System Administrators have the same broad authority. Customers enrolled in Cash Manager can designate up to six system administrator levels. The following chart illustrates the capabilities associated with each of the six system administrator levels.

An additional security feature associated with having system administrator levels is that System Administrators can only make changes to the profiles of other System Administrators whose level is equal to or lower than their own. For example, a level 4 System Administrator can not change the profile of a level 5 or 6 System Administrator.

Granting or Changing System Administrator Status

  Granting System Administrator Status to New Users
New users can be designated as system administrators with the "Add a New User" option on the Account/User Administration menu.

Changing System Administrator Status for Existing Users
System administrator status is granted or removed with the "Change or Delete a User" option on the Account/User Administration menu. For businesses enrolled in Cash Manager, system administrator status can also be removed using the "Change System Administrator Options" page by setting the level to "0." System Administrators can only make changes to the profiles of System Administrators whose level is equal to or lower than their own.

System Administration Menu Options

Only those functions a System Administrator is authorized to perform will appear on the menu. Each of the system administration menu functions are explained in detail in the online help sections below.

System Administrator Functionality Only

If the business is enrolled in the Maker-Checker option, a system administrator may be designated as 'System Administrator Only' which limits the user to performing administrative tasks only. System administrators will be restricted from initiating, approving and viewing any account transactions resulting in transfer of funds from or between accounts, but will still be able to set account transaction entitlements for other users.

Users designated as 'System Administrator Only' can have the same levels of authority as defined in the capabilities chart above. In addition to restriction from account transactions, they will be restricted from any 'Account Administrative' tasks in the Account/User Administrative menu, and from the following options in the Customer Service Menu: 'Report a Bill Payment Problem', 'Foreign Exchange Rate Inquiry', 'Re-Order Checks' and 'Link Credit Cards '.


Add A New User
Authorized System Administrators can add new users with the "Add a New User" option on the Account/User Administration menu.

You must select one of the three Authentication Types:

Mobile Token: A soft token integrated with the CitiBusiness Mobile app. Once downloaded and registered, it can be conveniently used for login and wire approvals.

Hard Token: A physical token device which is mailed to the user. It is used for login and wire approvals.

No Token: Can only be selected for users with low risk entitlements, e.g. no financial transactions only information reporting.

If Mobile Token Authentication Type has been selected, a registration code is sent via email to the user.
Email: User receives 2 emails, the first email contains instructions for downloading the CitiBusiness Mobile App and registering the mobile token. The second email will contain the registration code required to complete the mobile token registration process.

A user can be entitled to access CitiBusiness Online via a downloadable app.

A user can be entitled to the Mobile Banking App option, which will allow the user to access the mobile banking features within the downloadable CitiBusiness Mobile App.

After you provide the user profile information and confirm your entries, the system will return a confirmation that the new user has been added, along with a User ID and initial password. You must provide this ID and password to the user.

The following user profile options can be set when adding a new user.

  System Administrator designates the user as a System Administrator. (Note: If your business is enrolled in cash manager suite of services, the system administrator level will default to level 1 for new System Administrators. Authorized System Administrators can then change the level using the "Change System Administrator Options" option on the Account/User Administration menu.)

Secured Wires limits the user to sending wires saved as wire models. The user will be restricted from using wire models with a source account for which they do not have transaction entitlement, and from changing the beneficiary name, source account, destination account, and routing codes. Checking this box does not effect the user's entitlements to transfers or bill payments.

Secured Transfers restricts the user from transferring funds between accounts for which they do not have transaction entitlements. This restriction applies to regular and recurring internal transfers.

View Statements allows the user to view online statements for all linked accounts, including those accounts for which the user has no view or transaction entitlement.

CitiBusiness Payroll Manager entitles the user to access the online payroll service.

User account entitlements are set to "none" when a user is added, and must be established before the user will be able to transact. See Change Account Entitlements below.


View User Account Entitlements
User account entitlements define the authorization a user has to perform a specific task (such as sending a wire transfer) and the dollar limit and approval required for each transaction the user creates.

To view a user's account entitlements, select an account number and user name. The user entitlements for the selected account will be summarized on the next page. To make any changes to the user entitlements, use the Change User Account Entitlements menu option on the Account/User Administration menu.


Change User or Own Menu Options
System Administrators can specify the options that a user will be able to access.

For example, if you have a user who can make bill payments, but who cannot set up recurring payment instructions, you can turn off the "Set Up a Recurring Payment" menu option so that it doesn't appear on that user's menu.

To change a user's menu options:

  1. Select "Change User Menu Options" from the Account/User Administration menu.
  2. Select a user name from the drop down list. If the user name does not appear on the list, you do not have the security level required to modify that user's menu options.
  3. The options listed are dependent on the user's current profile. If the user is restricted to secured wires, for example, some menu options related to wire transfers will not appear. You can add or remove options from a user's menu by clicking the box in front of the option. A check indicates that the menu item will appear on the user's menu.
  4. Click Submit, then confirm your changes.


Change Account Entitlements
A user account entitlement is the authorization a user has to perform a specific task and any dollar limit and co-signer approval required for each transaction. Entitlements are established by user for each account and transaction type. Users can have different entitlements for different accounts.

You can use entitlements to restrict a user from executing a transaction, limit a user to only transaction set-up, or allow a user to create and execute transactions up to a specified dollar limit. Up to two dollar limits may be set for each user on each account. You may set different co-signer approval requirements for each of these dollar limits. You may also establish daily limits for users.

Authorized System Administrators can use the "Change User Account Entitlements" option to establish account entitlements for new users or to modify account entitlements for existing users. Those System Administrators with the requisite level of authority can use the "Change Own Account Entitlements" option to modify their own account entitlements.

If the Authentication type for a user is set to the 'No Token' option only Balance and Information Reporting will be allowed.

There are four ways to establish user account entitlements:

  Option 1: Copy User/Own Account Entitlements lets you copy the entitlements already established for that user with a designated account and apply them to another account. This is the quickest way to set up identical account entitlements. Using this option, you are limited to copy entitlements from a maximum of 10 accounts and copy to a maximum of 14 users.

Option 2: Create a Bulk Copy Order lets you schedule a "bulk" request to copy entitlements from a maximum of 2000 accounts and copy to a maximum of 98 users. Bulk copy orders are processed overnight during nightly system processing. To submit a bulk copy order for today, your setup process must be completed by 1:30 AM ET. Instructions received after the cutoff time will be processed overnight on the following day.

The entitlements in effect for the "Copy From" account(s) and user at the start of the nightly processing will be applied to the "Copy To" users during this processing. Any changes to the "Copy From" user's entitlements made before nightly processing begins may impact this request. Until processing of this request is complete, you should be aware of entitlement changes made by you or other System Administrators and understand how changes may impact this request.

System Administrators with the requisite level of authority can use the "Create A Bulk Copy Order" option to copy entitlements to their own user ID. Only those System Administrators initiating the "Bulk Copy Order" with the requisite System Administrator authority level will be able to select their own name from the list of eligible "Copy To" users.

Option 3: Change User/Own Account Entitlements Using Model lets you copy existing account entitlements from one user (the "model") to another and allows you to make changes to those entitlements. This option makes it easy to set up multiple users and accounts with similar, but not necessarily identical, entitlements.

Option 4: Change User/Own Account Entitlements lets you establish or change specific account entitlements for each user.

Follow the steps below to set user account entitlements.

  1. From the Account/User Administration menu select "Change User Account Entitlements" to change another user's entitlements or "Change Own Account Entitlements" to change your own.
  2. Select one of the three options. (Note: If you are changing your own account entitlements, you will not be asked to select the name of the user for whom you are changing entitlements.)
      A. If you select Copy User Entitlements, select the account(s) and the user to copy from. Then select the user(s) to copy to. Confirm, then click Submit.
      B. If you select Change User Entitlements Using Model, select the model account number and user to model. Then select the user to change. Click Continue.
      C. If you select Change User Entitlements, select the account number and the user for which you want to change entitlements. Click Continue.
  3. Select the user's functional entitlements from the list on the page. This indicates whether the user is entitled to create ACH, internal wire, wire transfers, and/or bill payment transactions. Click Continue.
  4. Define any transaction dollar limits for each transaction type the user is authorized to create. Enter a "u" (unlimited) if there is no transaction or daily limit. Click Continue.
  5. You can specify up to three individual users to approve a transaction.  Select the user(s) who must approve transactions, or indicate that any user can approve.  If no additional approval is required, check "No Additional Approval Required."  Click Continue.
  6. Verify the user account entitlements you have created. If the user entitlements are complete and correct, click "Accept and Update."

Functional Entitlements
Functional entitlements are the features the user will have access to for a particular account. You can restrict a user to view-only entitlement, or authorize the user to set up transactions.

ACH payments are electronic payments that are processed through an Automated Clearing House network.

Internal Transfers move funds between CitiBusiness accounts.

Wire Transfers electronically send money to external accounts (outside your business) within the United States and to other countries.

Bill Payments are payments to established payees scheduled for a specified date.

Transaction Dollar Limits
Setting a Daily Limit restricts the user from executing transactions on a single day that total to a dollar amount greater than that limit. The daily limit can be set to a specific dollar amount or to unlimited ("u").

Dollar Limits restrict a user from sending individual transactions over a specified dollar amount. You can set one, two or no dollar limits. Dollar limits cannot exceed the daily limit.

If a user's transactions must be approved (co-signed) by another individual prior to processing, you must specify an approval level.

No Additional Approval Required allows the user to complete transactions up to the specified transaction limit without additional review.

Required Approval indicates that another co-signer must approve the transaction before it is processed. If you specify "required," you must select at least one user from the list or indicate that "any" user can approve.

For example, you want to entitle a user to send wires for amounts up to $5000.  No one needs to approve any of the user's wire transactions up to $1000, but another user must approve wires for amounts between $1000.01 and $5000.  In this case, you would set the following user entitlements:
Limit 1 = "$1000"; Approval = "No Additional Approval Required"
Limit 2 = "$5000"; Approval = "Any"


Suspend or Reactivate a User
Authorized System Administrators can use the "Suspend or Reactivate a User" option to temporarily deny or to reinstate user access to CitiBusiness Online.

Suspending a User
You can suspend a user's access for up to one year. Pending bill payments, transfers, and wires set up by that user prior to the date of the suspension will be processed for up to one year unless canceled by another user.

Suspensions can take effect immediately, or you can schedule a suspension up to 90 days in advance. Users who are not reactivated within one year of their suspension, will be purged from the system.

To suspend a user's access:

  1. On the Suspend/Reactivate a User page, select the user name from the drop down list. If a user name does not appear on the list, you do not have the authority to suspend that user.
  2. Type or select the date the suspension is to begin. The suspension date will default to the current date and can be changed to a date up to 90 days in advance.
  3. Type or select the reactivation date, if any.
  4. Click Submit and then OK to confirm the suspension.

Reactivating a User
To reactivate a suspended user's access:

  1. On the Suspend/Reactivate a User page, select a user name from the drop down list. If a user name does not appear on the list, you do not have the necessary security level to reactivate that user.
  2. Type or select the date you want the user's access reactivated.
  3. Click Submit and then OK to confirm the reactivation.


Change or Delete a User
Authorized System Administrators can use this option to make changes to a user's profile or to delete a user name from the list of authorized CitiBusiness users. If a user name is not included in the drop down list, you are not authorized to make changes to that user's profile.

The user profile options on the Change or Delete a User page are explained in Add a New User.


Issue New Password
Authorized System Administrators can use this option to issue a temporary user password.

To issue a new password for a user:

  1. Select the Issue New Password option from the Account/User Administration menu.
  2. Select the user from the drop down list. If a user does not appear in the list, you are not authorized to issue a password for that user.
  3. Type your password and click Submit.

A confirmation with the user's new temporary password will be displayed. You will need to provide the user with the new password.


Change System Administrator Options
Authorized System Administrators can use this option to change the level of other System Administrators or change the 'System Administrator Only' Indicator.

To change the security level or 'System Administrator Only' Indicator for a system administrator:

  1. Select the Change System Administrator Options link from the Account/User Administration menu.
  2. Select the System Administrator name from the drop down list and click Continue. Only System Administrators with security levels equal to or less than yours will appear in the list. If a user name does not appear on the list, you do not have the necessary system administrator level to make the change.
  3. A system administration level summary table will be displayed along with the Set System Administrator Only Indicator check box.
  4. To change the system administration level, click the radio button at the bottom of the column to indicate the new level you want to set for the user.
  5. To set or remove the 'System Administrator Only' indicator, click the check box in the Set System Administrator Only Indicator table. To set the indicator, click the check box on; to remove the indicator click the check box off. Click Submit, and confirm the change.

Note: If the System Administrator currently has any account or transaction entitlements, for example Wire Transfers or Bill Payments, these entitlements will be removed by the system should the Set System Administrator Only Indicator be set for that user.

Change Business Settings
Authorized System Administrators can use this option to customize user security parameters for their business. These settings will apply to all users.

  Setting Maximum Time-out Limit Use this option to set the system to time out when a user is inactive for a specified number of minutes. Users cannot customize their settings to exceed this limit, but can set their individual time-out limit lower than the specified maximum.

Setting Password Expiration Frequency Use this option to establish when users must change their passwords. Users cannot customize their settings to exceed this limit, but can set their passwords to expire more frequently than this limit. (Note: Users can reset their passwords at any time, not just when a password expires.)

To set a password expiration frequency, select the desired number of days from the drop down list. Though the system allows you to set a password expiration of "no expiration," Citibank recommends that for security purposes you require users to reset their passwords regularly.


Approve System Administrator Transactions
Businesses enrolled in the Maker-Checker option must have all system administrator transactions approved by another system administrator. Any available system administrator can approve a transaction regardless of their level, as long as they did not initiate the transaction. For example, a Level 2 system administrator can approve a transaction created by a Level 6.

To approve system administrator transactions:

  1. Select "Approve System Administrator Transactions" from either the Account/User Administration menu or from the Main Menu
  2. Select a transaction you wish to approve from the transaction selection list by clicking on the radio button next to the transaction.
  3. If you wish to review the details of the transaction, click on the individual transaction request. The details will be displayed on a new page.
  4. To approve a transaction, enter your password (required) and click on the 'Approve' button.
  5. To reject a transaction, click on the 'Reject" button.

View Business Information
Use the View Business Information option to see a summary of your company's profile and a list of the banking products for which you are currently enrolled. (A "Y" indicates enrollment.)

To learn more about any banking products, contact your CitiBusiness Banker or Customer Service.


View User Information
Use the View User Information option to see a summary of all user profiles. This summary includes suspended, active, deleted and locked users. A status of locked indicates that the user has exceeded the number of invalid password attempts and is temporarily blocked from using CitiBusiness Online. Information for deleted users will be displayed for 90 days. SA indicates whether the user is a system administrator. If the business is enrolled in Cash Manager, the SA level will be displayed.

Authorized System Administrators can make changes on the Change or Delete User page, or in the Change Business Settings section.

View System Administrator Audit Report
Any System Administrator will be able to view the System Administrator Audit Report. This report will contain a history of all system administrator transactions approved or rejected by a system administrator, any administrative transactions created by Citibank and any administrative transactions systematically deleted due to inactivity within 90 days. Reports can be created using a specific date or a date range.

View User Entitlement Report
System Administrators will be able to view all user entitlements for their business. Reports will be generated on a nightly basis and will be viewable via PDF download.

Enroll in CitiBusiness Payroll Manager
Any System Administrator can start the enrollment process for CitiBusiness Payroll Manager by using the 'Enroll in CitiBusiness Payroll Manager' option on the 'Account / User Administration' menu.

This link will be available for all businesses that have at least one system administrator. The enrollment option will be presented to system administrators only. Any level administrator will have access to the option.

Note: Only businesses with at least one system administrator will be able to enroll in CitiBusiness Payroll Manager. If you wish to enroll and do not currently have anyone with system administration rights you will need to fill out a maintenance form to designate someone as a system administrator.

Your business must agree to the terms and conditions of the service agreement with SurePayroll, Inc., the service provider that furnishes Payroll Manager services.

Enroll in CitiBusiness EStatement (Paperless Statements)
Any System Administrator with a level 6 can enroll the business in paperless statements by using the Enroll in Paperless Statements option on the Account / User Administration menu.

This link will be available for all businesses that have at least one System Administrator with level 6 entitlements.

Note: If you wish to enroll into Paperless Statements and do not currently have a System Administrator or a System Administrator with level 6 entitlements, an authorized signer will need to complete a maintenance form to designate a user as a System Administrator level 6. Citibank strongly recommends limiting System Administrator designation to users who are signers on your accounts and meet the security requirements of your business.