Customer Service

The Customer Service option is located in the navigation frame at the top of the screen. This option allows you to report any problems you may be having, request investigations, or communicate with our Customer Service area 24 hours a day.

You can call customer service at 1 800 285 1709 and select option 1.
For hearing impaired callers dial 1 800 788 0002.

From outside the US, call collect 1 210 677 0065 and select option 3.



Contact by Phone

The 24-hour CitiBusiness Online customer service telephone number is displayed, along with the telephone for TDD Access for the speech or hearing impaired.

Customer Service > View Customer Service Phone Numbers

  1. For all CitiBusiness Online issues. Select the Technical Support option when you call.
  2. For Customer Service issues related to Controlled Disbursement, ACH Origination, Positive Pay, Sweep, Lockbox or Investment Services, select Cash Management.

You can call customer service at 1 800 285 1709 and select option 1.
For hearing impaired callers dial 1 800 788 0002.

From outside the US, call collect 1 210 677 0065 and select option 3.



Display System Information

This feature allows you to see details of your hardware and your CitiBusiness Online set up information.

Customer Service > Display System Information

  1. The following screen will display all system information and your CitiBusiness Online user profile information.



Link Credit Cards

Customer Service > Link Credit Cards

Holders of certain Citibank business credit cards can use this feature to request that their card accounts be linked to CitiBusiness Online. Single shareholder corporations and sole proprietorships can link business and personal cards.

Entitled users will be able to view information for cards from the Balance Summary and Today's Account Activity pages. Details for each card will include prior and next payment information in addition to amount owed and available credit.



Report a Bill Payment Problem

This feature allows you to expedite your request for a Bill Payment investigation by submitting your request for a proof of payment, a re-credit to your account for a payment not received or a re-issue of a payment that a payee has not received.

This feature is also used to request stop payment on a check issued via Bill Payments.

Customer Service > Report a Bill Payment Problem

  1. Select the Payee
  2. Select the payment by clicking on the reference number. If the payment is not on the list or not in the past 90 days (select Earlier Payments) select Report a problem for an unlisted payment.
  3. Enter the account number debited, the payment due date, any late charges and a valid phone number for the payee.
  4. Enter a description of the problem, the action you are requesting and any additional comments.
  5. Review the payee information and instructions or make any necessary changes. If the information is correct select Submit Problem Report to Customer Service.
  6. The final screen will provide you with a confirmation number, which you may print for your records. The investigation will be completed within four business days.



Re-Order Checks

Customer Service > Re-Order Checks

If you have previously ordered checks for a business account you can use the Re-Order Checks feature to replenish your supply. For initial orders, Customer Service or your Citibank representative can assist in selecting the best format for the needs of your business.

Based on your prior order, your new checks will begin with the next sequential number and have the same style and formatting as your current ones.




This feature allows you and Citibank to communicate regarding issues related to CitiBusiness Online. The timeframe for a request varies on the amount of research required. For important questions or requests, you can also call the CitiBusiness Online Customer Service at 1-800-285-1709, option 1. For all bill payment requests, go to Report a Bill Payment Problem.



See Saved Messages
This feature allows you to retrieve saved messages from the past 90 days.

Customer Service > See Saved Messages

  1. Click on the reference number.
  2. You can delete, save or continue to the next message



Send Message To Customer Service

This feature allows you to send a request or inquiry directly to our CitiBusiness Online Customer Support. A reply will be sent to you through CitiBusiness Online within two business days.

Customer Service > Send Message to Customer Service

  1. Complete the Subject field and enter your message.
  2. Select Send Message.
  3. A reference number will be displayed and a copy of your message will be saved. To review your sent messages, click See Saved Messages from the Messages menu.